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What is a HEAR?

A HEAR is Higher Education Achievement Report, which is a record of your achievements during your time at Coventry University.

It is an internationally recognised document that replaces the University Diploma Supplement and Transcript, which Coventry University has in the past issued to all students in paper form at graduation.

During your time at Coventry University, you will be able to access an interim HEAR, which will be a formative snapshot of your progress, results and achievements.

For students graduating from March 2020, a final summative HEAR will be available when you graduate. It will show your degree classification as well as being a being a complete breakdown of your results. The University is currently working with Your Students' Union to ensure that in the future, the Rep system, involvement with Student Union societies and campaigning groups, volunteering etc. is also reflected.

Why has Coventry University introduced a HEAR?

There are many reasons that we have introduced a HEAR but most particularly, we recognise that the life beyond University is extremely competitive and we want to do all we can to help you prepare for life after graduation.

The traditional degree certificate alone doesn’t reflect the range and depth of knowledge, skills and experience which you can gain at university and it doesn’t provide employers and post graduate recruiters with all of the information they need to know about you when you complete your course of study.

The HEAR can help you to tell a richer story of the knowledge, skills and experience you gained during your time at university.

Do other Universities issue a HEAR?

Yes. A large proportion of UK institutions issue HEARs. When the “Burgess Group” was considering the future of the Honours Degree, its central recommendation was the establishment of a standard document, the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), that would be issued by all UK HEIs.

How do I access my HEAR?

When you first log in via you will be asked to enter your University username and password.  You will be prompted to change your username and password to a personal email when you first log in to the portal. After successfully updating your details you will be directed to your HEAR.

I have already graduated before 2020. Can I access a HEAR?

Unfortunately only current students are able to register for a HEAR. If you need a copy of your diploma supplement or transcript, please visit our requests for certificates, diploma supplements, transcripts and results letters page.

How is a HEAR structured?

The HEAR has eight distinct sections:

  1. Personal details including your name, date of birth, student id number etc
  2. The name of the qualification gained title conferred, for example Batchelor of Laws, Business Law
  3. The level of the qualification within the UK Education system and the official length of the course
  4. Details of the course content, results gained and overall classification
  5. Details of any professional status conferred
  6. Additional curricular and non-curricular achievements. The University is currently working with Your Students' Union to ensure that in the future, the Rep system, involvement with Student Union societies and campaigning groups, volunteering etc. is also reflected.
  7. Formal authentication, including the date of the award of the qualification and the date that the HEAR is verified  
  8. A web link to a description of the national higher education system

How is it different from a diploma supplement?

The HEAR is available as an electronic document, which can be shared with third parties, including employers and other HE institutions via e-mail or social media.

The HEAR also provides a more detailed description of your course and your extra-curricular achievements than a diploma supplement.

Two sections which you should be aware of are:

  • Section 4, which is where your academic results are recorded
  • Section 6.1, where university and faculty prizes are recorded

Isn’t this just a glorified record of achievement like I had at school?

The HEAR pulls together both curricular and co-curricular achievements to offer a more rounded view of you than a traditional transcript allows.

In addition, unlike a record of achievement, the HEAR is an official, digital document, verified by the university, that you can share with employers and interested third parties as evidence of your achievements.

Will this replace my results letter?

Results letters will no longer be provided as all of the information, and more, is available on the HEAR document and is available as soon as your official results are released to you via SOLAR.

How do I share a HEAR?

You can share your HEAR with employers, education providers or any other third party.  Once you are logged in you can enter the contact details of the person you wish to share your details with.  An email will be automatically generated with a link for the interested party.  The link remains available for seven days. 

If I am going to access my HEAR after I have left University, can I use my personal e-mail account?

Yes. When you first log-in, you will be invited to add your personal credentials. During your time at Coventry University you will be able to use either your University or personal e-mail address but once you leave you will only be able to log-on using your personal e-mail.

I have changed my course, but my HEAR still shows modules from my old course. Can these be removed?

No. The University's regulations require that transcripts should record all results during your time at the University, so that they accurately reflect your student record. It is therefore not possible to remove any of the modules from your previous course - but don't worry about this. It is not uncommon for students to change course, and you will have had good reasons for wanting to change, which you can explain to anyone who asks. It may also be an advantage to be able to demonstrate that you have some knowledge/experience of areas relevant to these previous modules.

Who do I contact about incorrect or missing data on my HEAR?

The HEAR draws together information from other records. If you feel that there are errors or omissions, you should contact your faculty registry team, detailing where you believe there is a mistake and we will endeavour to address and get back to you as quickly as possible.

How will a HEAR support my PG application?

When you apply to study for a PG course, the provider will want a more detailed picture of your UG results than a degree certificate can provide. The HEAR combines the old diploma supplement and transcript into a single document, which provides you with a single record that you can share. Section 4 gives a detailed breakdown of your modules assessments and grades

Do I still need a CV?

Your CV and job application are the most important documents for employers. Your HEAR is a complimentary document, which can sit alongside your degree certificate. Your CV gives you the opportunity to reflect on your achievements and to provide information that Coventry University cannot verify, such as work experience and outside activities

The HEAR is official verification of the academic and extra-curricular achievements and skills you have developed during your time at Coventry University, confirming to an employer information that you have included in your CV.

Where can I get advice on developing my CV?

The Central Careers Team offer a wide range of advice to students on their website. You can also arrange a one-to-one meeting by e-mailing

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