School of Health and Care
Programme Specifications
- Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)
- Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) Blended Learning
- Applied Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
- Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
- Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) / Applied Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
- Childhood, Youth and Education Studies BA (Hons)
- Children and Young People's Nursing BSc (Hons)
- Criminology BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Law BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Psychology BA (Hons)
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc (Hons)
- Diagnostic Radiography MSci
- Dietetics BSc (Hons)
- Food Control CertHE
- Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc (Hons)
- Food Science BSc (Hons)
- Forensic Investigations BSc (Hons)
- Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)
- Human Biosciences BSc (Hons)
- Learning Disabilities Nursing BSc (Hons)
- Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons)
- Midwifery BSc (Hons)
- Nursing Studies BSc (Hons) top-up
- Nutrition and Health BSc (Hons)
- Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
- Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons)/DipHE
- Paramedic Science BSc (Hons)
- Pharmacology BSc (Hons)
- Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
- Psychology BSc (Hons)
- Public Health BSc (Hons)
- Social Work BA (Hons)
Programme Specifications
- Biomedical Science BSc / Applied Biomedical Science BSc
- Childhood, Youth & Education Studies BA
- Clinical Psychology Doctorate
- Criminology BA
- Criminology and Psychology BA
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Dietetics BSc
- Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc
- Food Science BSc
- Forensic Psychology BSc
- Forensic Science BSc
- Human Biosciences BSc
- Nutrition and Health BSc
- Operating Department Practice DIPHE-BSc
- Paramedic Science BSc
- Pharmacology BSc
- Physiotherapy BSc
- Public Health BSc
- Social Work BA
Programme Specifications
- Clinical Psychology Doctorate
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Dietetics BSc
- Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc
- Food Science BSc
- GCert Low Intensity Psychological Interventions
- Human Biosciences BSc
- Nutrition and Health BSc
- Operating Department Practice DipHE-BSc
- Paramedic Science BSc
- Pharmacology BSc
- Physiotherapy BSc
- Public Health BSc
- Social Work BA
Programme Specifications
- Clinical Psychology Doctorate
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Dietetics BSc
- Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc
- Food Science BSc
- GCert Low Intensity Psychological Interventions
- Human Biosciences BSc
- Nutrition and Health BSc
- Operating Department Practice DipHE-BSc
- Paramedic Science BSc
- Pharmacology BSc
- Physiotherapy BSc
- Public Health BSc
- Social Work BA
Programme Specifications
- Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Care PGCert
- Adult Nursing MSc (pre-registration) Blended Learning
- Advanced Adult Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Child and Family Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Clinical Practice MSc
- Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc
- Applied Psychology MSc
- Biomedical Science MSc
- Biotechnology MSc
- Business and Organisational Psychology MSc
- Career Development and Management PGDip, MA
- Children and Young People's Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGDip
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy MSc (top-up)
- Criminology MA
- Critical Care Nursing PG Cert
- Dietetics and Leadership MSc
- Forensic Psychology and Mental Health MSc
- Forensic Psychology MSc
- Forensic Psychology MSc (Online)
- lobal Health Care Management MSc
- Health Psychology MSc
- Health Simulation MSc, PGDip, PG Cert
- Learning Disabilities Nursing MSc (pre-registration)
- Mental Health Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Molecular Biology MSc
- Molecular Biology MSc With Professional Experience
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy MSc
- Nursing MSc
- Occupational Therapy MSc (pre-registration)
- Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc
- Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc with Professional Experience
- Practice Education PGCert
- Psychology MSc
- Psychology Online MSc
- Physiotherapy and Leadership MSc (pre-registration)
- Public Health Nutrition MSc
- Sports and Exercise Nutrition MSc
- Sport Psychology MSc
- Social Work MA
- Strength and Conditioning MSc
Programme Specifications
- Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Care PGCert
- Adult Nursing MSc (pre-registration) Blended Learning
- Advanced Adult Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Child and Family Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Clinical Practice MSc
- Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc
- Applied Psychology MSc
- Business and Organisational Psychology MSc
- Children and Young People's Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PgD
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy MSc (top-up)
- Criminology MA
- Critical Care Nursing PG Cert
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Dietetics and Leadership MSc
- Forensic Psychology and Mental Health MSc
- Forensic Psychology MSc
- Forensic Psychology MSc (Online)
- Global Health Care Management MSc
- Global Pharmaceutical and Biotech Management MSc - PgD - PgC
- Global Public Health MSc
- Health Simulation MSc/PgD/PgC
- Learning Disabilities Nursing MSc (pre-registration
- Mental Health Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy MSc
- Nursing MSc
- Occupational Therapy MSc (pre-registration)
- Physiotherapy and Leadership (Pre-registration) MSc
- Physiotherapy and Leadership MSc
- Public Health Nutrition MSc
- Social Work MA
Programme Specifications
- Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Care PGCert
- Adult Nursing MSc (pre-registration) Blended Learning
- Advanced Adult Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Child and Family Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Clinical Practice MSc
- Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc
- Children and Young People's Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PgD
- Critical Care Nursing PG Cert
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Dietetics and Leadership MSc
- Global Health Care Management MSc
- Global Public Health MSc
- Health Simulation MSc/PgD/PgC
- Learning Disabilities Nursing MSc (pre-registration)
- Mental Health Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Nursing MSc
- Occupational Therapy MSc (pre-registration)
- Practice Education PGCert
- Physiotherapy and Leadership (Pre-registration) MSc
- Physiotherapy and Leadership MSc
- Public Health Nutrition MSc
- Social Work MA
Programme Specifications
- Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Care PGCert
- Adult Nursing MSc (pre-registration) Blended Learning
- Advanced Adult Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Child and Family Social Work PGCert
- Advanced Clinical Practice MSc
- Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc
- Children and Young People's Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PgD
- Critical Care Nursing PG Cert
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Dietetics and Leadership MSc
- Global Health Care Management MSc
- Global Public Health MSc
- Health Simulation MSc/PgD/PgC
- Learning Disabilities Nursing MSc (pre-registration)
- Mental Health Nursing MSc (Pre-registration)
- Nursing MSc
- Occupational Therapy MSc (pre-registration)
- Practice Education PGCert
- Physiotherapy and Leadership (Pre-registration) MSc
- Physiotherapy and Leadership MSc
- Public Health Nutrition MSc
- Social Work MA