Information for local residents regarding alleged anti-social behaviour by students
As proud members of this community, we take the issue of student anti-social behaviour very seriously. Along with our Students’ Union, we offer advice and support to students on both their rights and responsibilities as tenants in the local community.
We find that in most cases, once students have been made aware of complaints made against them, they do change their behaviour. Please be aware that whilst you may be very sure that your neighbours are students of Coventry University, data protection law prevents us from confirming or denying this to you. We also cannot let you know if or what action is taken against an individual or group of students.
If you wish to raise a concern about anti-social behaviour by Coventry University students, you can do so using the form at the bottom of this page.
Whilst never avoiding our own responsibilities, the majority of complaints should be directed to our partner agencies:
Anti-Social or Criminal Behaviour
In all cases, complaints about criminal and anti-social behaviour, vandalism, harassment etc. should be made to the Police. Advice and information is available on the West Midlands Police website
Excessive Noise
Concerns regarding excessive noise should be made to City Council Noise Officers, who have powers to deal with noise complaints ranging from issuing warning letters to taking noise makers to court.
You can do this via their website or contacting them by telephone or email.
Tel: +44 (0)24 7683 1853
Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
+44 (0)24 7683 2222 (Emergency out of hours, between 6pm-3am)
Waste & Recycling and Fly-tipping
Concerns regarding waste should be made to Coventry City Council Customer services who are open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Tel: 08085 834333
Data Protection
Please be aware that whilst you may be very sure that your neighbours are students of Coventry University, data protection law prevents us from confirming or denying this to you. We also cannot let you know if or what action is taken against an individual student. However we can assure you that we take such matters very seriously and will investigate all complaints in line with the procedure described above.
Report anti-social behaviour