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Student Attendance

We understand that good attendance leads to a better student experience and will help improve grades for you and for your fellow students, which in turn can lead to better opportunities and enhance your employment prospects.

At Coventry University we take registers at every timetabled session. We make the process as quick and simple as possible for our students. Students simply tap and register their Coventry University Phoenix card – the student ID card you receive at enrolment - at the Touchpoint located in each teaching space at the start of the session.

If we notice that students are beginning to disengage, dedicated support staff will get in touch to ensure that everything is OK and if there are any issues, they are there to help the student to get back on track.

Attendance FAQs

Why do I have to attend sessions?

How do I register my attendance?

Why doesn't Coventry University take paper registers?

Are we the only University that records attendance in this way?

Does anyone outside the University need to know about my attendance?

If I am struggling for personal reasons, who can I talk to?

Why do I have to attend sessions?

We want you to receive the best possible educational experience during your time at Coventry University. Evidence shows that attending all of your sessions, including lectures, seminars and tutorials, will give you the best chance of success and help you to achieve higher grades.

How do I register my attendance?

Touchpoint-scannerTouchpoints are the blue automated card readers, which are located near the entrance of every teaching space. Simply tap your Phoenix Card on the Touchpoint and wait for the light to turn green.


Why doesn’t Coventry University take paper registers?

Coventry University wanted a modern approach to taking attendance registers, rather than the old style paper ones. We wanted a system that was simple to use, efficient and environmentally friendly.

We asked Your Students' Union their views and settled on an automated register system that utilises the Student’ Phoenix ID card, which all students are issued with.

Are we the only University that records attendance in this way?

Not at all. Most universities have an attendance requirement and take registers. An increasing number are introducing automated systems like ours to improve records and to save on paper wastage.

Does anyone outside the University need to know about my attendance?

Yes. The University has a legal obligation to report poor attendance and disengagement to funding bodies, sponsors and, in the case of overseas students, the United Kingdom Visa and Immigration office (UKVI). 

However, we will never share information with unauthorised bodies or individuals, including your parents or members of your family without your written permission.

If I am struggling for personal reasons, who can I talk to?

You should always let either Registry or your personal tutor know that you are struggling in the first instance.

However, you might not want to discuss personal issues in detail with Registry, and there are a wide variety of support teams who you want to speak to in confidence instead. These include Student Services, The Students Union, International Office, Welfare and Disabilities Service, Spirituality and Faith Centre, Medical staff and mentors. 

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