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Technician Commitment

Coventry University is a proud signatory of the Technician Commitment, an initiative sponsored by the Gatsby Foundation and covering a number of University and Research Institutions which identifies four areas/themes which will ensure greater visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians across all disciplines. The University acknowledges the immense importance of technical roles and the impact on research and the student experience, and so was keen to become a signatory of the Commitment.

We conducted a Stage 1 Self-Assessment and published our initial 2-year Action Plan in 2019. It set out goals aligned to the four themes with indicative timeframes; unfortunately these did change as a result of the COVID pandemic and as a result, we submitted our Stage 2 Self-Assessment and 3-year Action Plan in December 2022. Both plans were developed in conjunction with our Technician Community and aim to firmly embed the Technician Commitment into all aspects of University life and develop a community of professional practice for our technicians.

Engagement and involvement from the Technician Community is vital to the success of the 3-year plan, so we will be continuing to create opportunities for our technicians to meet and network on a regular basis. We have a Technician Commitment Working Group which meets as a minimum once a term and includes Champions who are technicians from the Faculties and Research Centres, as well as Theme Leads.

If you would  like to get involved, or have any questions about the Technician Commitment, please email

Stage 1: Self assessment and action plan

Technicians Commitment - Self assessment PDF (214kb)

Technicians Commitment - Action plan PDF (67kb)

Stage 2: Self assessment and action plan

Technicians Commitment - Self assessment PDF (1,056kb)

Technicians Commitment - Action plan PDF (140kb)

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