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Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology | School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email:
Assistant Professor | School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email:
Course Director | School of Energy, Environment and Construction | College of Engineering, Environment and Science | Email:
Assistant Professor| Ken is a practice-based media lecturer with a focus on production and an international reputation as a documentary filmmaker as well as 20 years’ experience in television broadcast documentaries.
Assistant Professor in Music Composition| Christopher Hobbs, a pioneer in the field of Systemic Music in Britain, was born in 1950. He studied with Cornelius Cardew at the Royal Academy of Music and was the youngest member of the Scratch Orchestra when it began in 1969.
Director of Arts, Culture and Heritage| Dr Geoff Willcocks is Director of Arts and Culture at Coventry University, where he was also formerly the Head of Department for Performing Arts. He is also the Chair of Coventry's Music Education Hub and the Chair of Music Coventry.
Assistant Professor in Culture and Media Theory| Dr. JongMi Kim works for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in the School of Media and Performing Arts.
Associate Head of School - Marketing and Recruitment| Daren has worked with creative audio technology for over 25 years, from an apprenticeship as a sound engineer to a career in the music and film industries as a recording artist and sound designer.
Assistant Professor in Automotive Journalism| Andrew Noakes is an award-winning motoring journalist, author and photographer. He was trained as an engineer, gaining a degree in automotive engineering and Diploma in Industrial Studies from Loughborough University.
Assistant Professor in Media Production| Clifton has a great deal of experience as a script editor and mentor, to writers and directors new to film and television.
An award-winning technology journalist whose work has appeared in consumer and trade magazines and websites, in the US, the UK, Australia, South Africa and Europe.
Sanna Wicks | School of Media and Performing Arts
Matt Read | Lecturer in Journalism | School of Media and Performing Arts | College of Arts and Humanities
Rich Hall is a popular music practitioner, researcher and academic specialising in popular music performance, popular musicology, and music technology. He holds a degree in popular music studies from the University of Leeds and a PhD from Coventry University.
Course Director for BA (Hons) Media Production and also an Assistant Professor in Media Production.
Michael Odetayo| Michael Odetayo is a Principal Lecturer within the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics.
Course Director MSc Biotechnology and Senior Lecturer Biotechnology | School of Life Sciences | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | Email:
Course Director Teenage/Young Adult Cancer Care and Adult Nursing | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | Email:
Senior Lecturer and Course Director BSc Forensic Investigations | School of Psychological, Social and Behavioural Sciences | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | Email:
Course Director and Senior Lecturer in Childhood and Youth Studies | School of Psychological, Social and Behavioural Sciences | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | Email: