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383 news stories found

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Representatives of Coventry University and NIBM stood in a line with two of them holding a copy of the agreement

Sri Lankan learners given opportunity to finish...

Students in Sri Lanka now have the choice of finishing their studies in their homeland or at Coventry University’s campuses in the UK.

Head and shoulders of nursing associate Nicola Peach

Coventry University student’s inspiring career change...

A woman who followed her dream to become a Nursing Associate while her mum was being treated for cancer knows she has made her family proud.

The UGLA is part of Utopian Games Lab, the developer currently working on Time Raiders which is set to become the first Play-To-Earn game of its kind

Coventry University will use the force as it teams up...

Game makers of the future will look to level up at Coventry University as it welcomes the first students on its Games Studio Development master’s degree course.

Harry Tatem at the NAHEMI Film Festival

Coventry University film graduate scoops five awards...

A Coventry University graduate has walked away with an amazing five awards from university film festivals.

The Urban Mining Test Lab Project used the salvaged door frames, which were plucked from the New Union Street car park demolition

Coventry University architecture students join forces...

Coventry University students took discarded timber from Coventry city centre demolition sites and turned them into a public art sculpture piece.

Daniel Ng in his graduation robes stood in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral

Coventry University Group celebrates successful...

Frontline responders who keep the people of Singapore safe on a daily basis have been honing their skills with Coventry University Group.

Will Waterskiing

Coventry student proud to represent Team GB in...

A Coventry student is making waves in the world of waterskiing after competing for Team GB at the Europe and Africa Under 21 Championships.

Artist's impression of the winning design shows a large decking area with a honeycomb-esque roof held up by wooden platforms all within a grassy area with birds flying overhead

Coventry University students dominate national...

Students from Coventry University took both first and second place in a national competition for budding architects.

Coventry University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International), Richard Wells, sat in a chair wearing a suit and behind him on a wall is the Coventry University Group logo

Coventry University and PSB Academy: Tackling the...

To mark the 10-year anniversary of Coventry University Group’s collaboration with PSB Academy in Singapore, Professor Richard Wells discusses the region’s strategic...

Students William and Sam sat in chairs next to a table on which sits a laptop with 8-Bit Rainforest on it

Coventry University students create retro-style video...

Coventry University students have collaborated with an indigenous community in South America to create a video game that raises awareness of the struggles of communities...

Richard Wells wearing a suit, shirt and tie while smiling at the camera

Why international students are worth more than just...

Coventry University Group’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International), Richard Wells shares his thoughts on the importance of international students following Secretary of...

A head and shoulders image of Coventry University Provost Ian Dunn wearing a suit, shirt and tie

Six key questions students in Clearing should ask...

The countdown to the biggest day of thousands of students’ lives so far has begun.